It Takes Two to Tie a Shoe

Delivery Method: 

Among other themes, this video clip demonstrates the unique dynamics of collaborative efforts between children in inclusive classrooms. Chaislyn and Alyssa spend a full 19 minutes alternately frustrated and somewhat successful at tying each other’s shoes. After watching, you might like to consider how the themes below may apply and what implications they may have.

* How Chaislyn has a strategy that makes so much sense   to her that she finds it hard to give it up
* How Alyssa understands that Chaislyn’s strategy will not    work, but also knows that she cannot tie the bow herself
* How Chaislyn’s charming positive attitude and poise    keeps Alyssa in the game
* How Chaislyn’s positive attitude may come from the fact    that she treats whatever it is she can do as the ultimate    goal
* What Chaislyn understands when she says, “I sorry, I    sorry, OK?” in Chapter 5<br? * The many methods the teacher uses to support the children’s persistence
* The many reasons the teacher waits before giving them    measured support
* Whether children in an inclusive classroom develop a    culture of patience for children less able than    themselves
* The several counter-intuitive topological concepts that    one must understand in order to tie a bow
* The possibility that untying a bow can result in new   understandings relevant to tying a bow
* The possibility that Alyssa is compliant because she    understands that she is helping Chaislyn learn through    practice
* The effects of Alyssa’s shift from passively being helped    to helping the helper help her
* Does the fact that the children did not tie their shoelaces    cause you to value the process less?

Length of stand-alone master video clip: 19 minutes 2 seconds

Highlight the text above and paste to a document to have your own copy.

Keywords: Fours, Shoes, Special Education, Collaboration, Spatial Relations