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What is a Videative?

The word videative [vid´-é-ã-tive] refers to the combination of text and video segments to create an integrated viewing experience (video + narrative = videative). The text explains the video and the video exemplifies the text. Our videatives help you see what children know™ and thereby help you better support their learning.

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The Videatives Streaming Service

Subscribe to our growing library of streaming video clips with supporting text. Easily search our 360+ titles by the category: age, material, setting and concepts to locate titles to share with your students, staff, or families at no additional charge. Access through IP Authentication or your eProxy.

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Videatives Downloads & Collections

Purchase any individual video title and instantly download to your computer. We also offer unique curated collections, including 52 of our classic videatives on a Flash Drive for a $550 savings, and our popular Learning Moments series.

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The Videatives Views Blog

Read our free monthly one page newsletter, Videatives Views. Subscribe to our blog feed or receive an email to your inbox containing:

  • A new video clip that will become part of our permanent library
  • Notes from the broader field of early education

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Video Clips for Early Education & Child Development

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Videative Demo

Stream from the Internet any of our 360+ video titles or download video files to your computer. Increase your understanding of children's thinking and learning. View these short video clips on any device. Add to presentations or distribute to your students over the Internet. Visit our free archive of video clips from six months of our Videatives Views newsletter.

Use our video library as a virtual laboratory school

Videatives make general principles of child development and early education come to life. Students learn to "see what children know," not through testing, but through careful observation. Teachers have higher-level conversations with children. Help children reflect on their actions and offer them better support for their thinking.

Stream video clips to your students at no extra cost. Learn how

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