Our 52 classic Videatives for Less

SAVE $550
To order the 52 classic Videatives in our eStore catalogue using your Visa or Master Card credit account, please select this item (see below for purchase orders). Once your credit card transaction has been processed, we will mail you a flash drive that contains all 52 of our classic Videatives (text with pop-up video segments) and their respective Video Clips (seamless video without text). You will also receive a full written transcript indexed to the video time code. This purchase will give you full distribution rights to your students or staff for as long as you wish. The licenses do not expire, but may not be transferred to another person. If the set of 52 Classic Videatives is purchased by an institution (library or academic department) the video assets must be used only by members of that institution.
Click Here to download a list of all of the videatives that will come on the flash drive, plus descriptions and index for topics and keywords.
The set of 52 Classic Videatives will be mailed to the address that you indicate in your shopping cart purchase. The $750 includes the cost of shipping and handling. If your shipping address is different from the credit account billing address, please be sure both addresses appear in your eStore order.
If you wish to pay by purchase order, please email the relevant information to videatives@videatives.com. Our EIN number is 52-2421378.