Ben Shoots Pool

Delivery Method: 

This videative shows how two-year-old Ben and his father invent challenging ways to get a billiard ball into the pocket. The series of video clips illustrate the powerful role of a responsive and age-appropriate environment for guiding play. They tell the delightful story of how a child's natural desire to explore and invent can be the catalyst for rich problem solving and learning about inclines, speed, angles, and direction.

  • Watch how Ben uses the cue sticks to channel the ball into the pocket
  • Notice how Ben's father gives hints now and then
  • Decide if you agree with the ways that Ben's uncle makes the game more complex
  • Be amazed at Ben's flexible thinking and adaptive changes in the rules
  • See Ben figure out what to do when the ball rolls backward
  • Learn how open-ended play fosters high-level thinking

Keywords: Twos, Balls, Parent-Child, Cause/Effect, Inclines, Direction, videative

Length of videative: 4 text pages, 13 video subclips

Length of stand-alone master video clip: 2 minutes, 12 seconds